Thanks to Education World for use of my Mrs. Waffenschmidt illustration.

Thanks to Education World for use of my Mrs. Waffenschmidt illustration.
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Thursday, February 13, 2025

World Polar Bear Day is February 27th


Photograph from Pixabay

Fun Facts about Polar Bears:
1. Ursus maritimus is the correct term for polar bears. They are carnivores and the world's largest LAND carnivores? What does this mean?
2. Greenland, Norway, Canada, the United States and Russia are countries which have polar bears.
3.  Polar bears have 42 VERY sharp teeth!
4.  Very intelligent, polar bears can smell food 20 miles away! 
5. Polar bears are very good swimmers and spend much of their time in the water.
6. Underneath their white fur, a polar bear has BLACK skin which helps absorb heat and helps them stay warm.
7. A male polar bear can stand 10 ft. tall!  Polar bear, which can weigh over 1200 pounds, can also run 25 mph.
8. A polar bear can stay underwater for about 1 minute.
9. Polar bears can swim up to. six miles per hours.
10. Polar bears do NOT hibernate like other bears. 

Your Turn:
1. What are TWO facts you know about polar bears(not found in the paragraph above)?
2. Draw a picture of a polar bear and write a paragraph pretending to be a polar beard tell about what you see, hear, smell, etc. as you come into a town.
3. Use a world map and locate the country of Russia and specifically the area called Siberia. Write 4 facts learned about Russia from the world map.

Learn more about the Polar Bear with this Webquest activity:

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