Thanks to Education World for use of my Mrs. Waffenschmidt illustration.

Thanks to Education World for use of my Mrs. Waffenschmidt illustration.
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Thursday, July 20, 2023

Anniversary of the FIRST Moon walk(1969)


MAN first walked on the Moon on July 20th, 1969.
To date 12 people have walked on the moon, beginning with Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin.
In the next couple of years, astronauts will again return to the moon for the first time  since 1972. A WOMAN will be making a moon walk on the upcoming Artemis Mission!

1. Write THREE facts you know about space.
2. What are three character traits you would give an astronaut and why?
3. What would be your biggest fear as an astronaut?
4. If you could bring ONE personal item with you on a space mission what would it be and why?
5. Do you think there may be life on other planets?
6. Write TWO questions you’d ask an astronaut.
7. Illustrate one of the Did You Know? factoids.

Did You Know?
1. Dennis Tito, became the first  space tourist in 2001.He paid $20 million to spend 8 days at the International Space Station.

2. Snoopy, the Peanut character, is the safety mascot of NASA astronauts

3. Wan-Hu, a Chinese man that lived around 1500 AD, may have been the first in space. 47 Rockets were attached to a chair with two large kites. He was never seen again!• The word astronaut is Latin for “star sailor.

4. The first person to walk in space was Russian, Alexei Leonov(1965).

5. The first American to walk in space was Ed White(1965)

6. President Nixon called Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin while they were taking photographs of the flag on the moon. Nixon said of the telephone call that it “was the most historic phone call ever made from the White House”. 1969

7. Scientists hope that there will be a manned mission to MARS by 2025.

8. Venus is the hottest planet. Although Mars is closest to the sun, its atmosphere can’t regulate temperatures. Venus is about 450 degrees C. on its surface.

9. Pluto was demoted from being a planet(2006). It is called a dwarf planet. Ceres, Haumea, Makemake and Eris are the four other recognized dwarf planets

10. The first man-made object in space was launched by the Russians in 1957. It was called Sputnik. It was the beginning of the “Space Race” between Russia and the USA.

11. Famous Halley’s Comet returns to our solar system every 76 years. It will be visible in 2061.

12. A Latin word, “alien” means “stranger” or “foreign”.

13. The planet Saturn has officially 53 moons. Another 9 haven’t been confirmed as moons.

14. Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system.

15. About 4.24 light years away, the sun is the closest star to the Earth.

16.Stars don’t really “twinkle”. The light of stars is distorted by the Earth’s atmosphere making the appearance of twinkling.

17. A group of solar systems is called a galaxy. We live in the Milky Way Galaxy.

18. It is estimated that there are 500,000 pieces of junk floating around in space! 

19. The first person to believe that the Earth revolved around the Sun was Nicolaus Copernicus. People at the time believed the EARTH was the center of the universe and the sun revolved around the Earth.

20. The ONLY person to walk in Space AND travel down into the deepest trench on Earth, the Mariana Trench, is Dr. Kathy Sullivan!(2020)

Resources of Possible Interest:

Check out this resource:

Illustrations from WPClipart and NASA

Sunday, July 9, 2023

In the News: Using the News to learn about History(Phoenician Ship Discovered)



             Using the News to learn about history: 

                      Learn about the Phoenicians


Gail Skroback Hennessey


Click Here for Free Downloadable Version:

The Phoenicians (1550 BC-300 BC)were the first known sea traders in history and developed the first known alphabet. They also created a purple dye that became famous around the known world! When the sea traders sailed to regions near the Mediterranean Sea, they shared their alphabet and purple dye with those they met.

In the News. 2023

An Archaeological team found what is considered to be a 2500 year old Phoenician ship in the waters off of Spain. The shipwreck, found in the area of Murica was buried in sediment, in the Mediterranean Sea, for thousands of years. Construction in the area changed sea currents and the ship was released from its hiding place. Archaeologists are studying the ship , called the Mazarron 11, to see if it can be raised as it is only about 6 ft. under the water. If all goes well, a retrieval of the Phoenician ship is possible later this year.

Learn more and see a video clip:


Did You Know?

1. A lower jaw was found to have evidence of braces suggesting the early Phoenicians had knowledge of dentistry.

2. The Phoenicians raised elephants.

3. Evident suggests that Phoenicians may have gotten as far north as Cornwall, Great Britain searching for tin to bring back for the making of bronze.

4. There is evidence that the Phoenician sea traders went as far north as the current country of Spain.

5. The famous queen, Cleopatra ,is said to have had a purple sail on her ship.

6. The Roman emperor Nero passed a law permitting only him, the emperor, to wear the color purple! 

7. Archaeologists have found evidence of homes dating back 7000 BC in the Phoenician city of Gebeil. This may be the world’s oldest city.

8.The Phoenicians may have used the North Star for navigation.

9.Squeezing a gland of the murex, a spiral shellfish, they got a few drops of a yellowish liquid. When exposed to the sun, the liquid turned a bluish-red. It took an estimated 10,000 murex to make ONE piece of clothing. Called Tyrian Purple, it was very expensive to own any fabric in this color! 

10. Hanno, the Navigator, was a Phoenician explorer(@480 BCE) who may have sailed into the Atlantic Ocean from the Strait of Gibraltar into the Mediterranean Sea and down the western coast of Africa.

11. The first alphabet, of 22 letters, came from then Phoenicians. The Greeks added 4 more letters.

12. The Phoenicians became known for glassblowing and traded their glass products with those they met.


1. The Phoenician liked to share stories of sea monsters that lived in the Mediterranean Sea. One such creature was the hippocamp (hippocampus). It was said to have a head of a horse and the long tail of a fish. Why do you think the Phoenicians talked about sea monsters with people they met?

2. Check out this recipe to make purple dye:

3.Try writing something using the Phoenician alphabet:

Another link:

4. When different cultures meet, ideas are exchanged. Can you think of examples of idea and things that were exchanged through “Culture Contact”?

Other resources on the Phoenicians:

1. Phoenicians, a webquest : This resource will be a positive addition as an introduction/review to the first sea traders of the ancient world. The Phoenicians developed an alphabet which they shared to other cultures in their travels around the Mediterranean Sea. They developed the color purple and were skilled in glassmaking. Their sea traders may have traveled as far as Britain and down the coast of Africa, in a time when there were no navigational tools.

2. The Phoenicians were the first to use the color purple: 1. Need a fun activity that involves kids finding answers that have PURPLE in it or are the color PURPLE? THERE are 17 statements in the complete PURPLE Game Activity. You can do this activity in one class, over a couple of days if being used as a end of the period activity or over a couple of days, if you wish to do the extension activities: Purple Game

3. With this biographical reading passage, students will learn about Hannibal, the famous general of ancient times. Studying the Phoenicians? Studying Ancient Rome and the Punic Wars? This resource would be a great addition! There is a Did You Know? section, comprehension questions, map activity and a teacher page with extensions and links and the key: Hannibal, a Reading Activity

4. This mini unit with notes and activities and links covers an introduction to the Phoenicians and their contributions to the world..

5. BUNDLE on Phoenicians: (Webquest is not included in this bundle)

6. Learn about Hanno, the Phoenician Sea Explorer:

Illustrations with permission from, pixabay and wpclipart  

Friday, July 7, 2023

Learn Fun Facts about Ice Cream!


 COOL facts about Ice Cream

Did you Know that JULY is National Ice Cream Month  in the USA? It was established by President Ronald Reagan, in 1984. National Ice Cream Day is the 3rd Sunday in July. Learn some fun facts about ice cream!

• One scoop of ice cream needs about 50 licks to finish.

• The Chinese were making a type of ice cream with milk,rice and snow, about 2000 BC.

• The average American eats 48 pints of ice cream each year.

• To make one gallon of ice cream, you need 12 pounds of milk. A dairy cow can produce enough milk for about 9000 gallons of ice cream in its lifetime.

• The USA is the world's leading producer of ice cream.

• Alexander the Great liked nectar and honey flavored snow.

• National Ice Cream Month is in July.

• Yes...vanilla is the most popular ice cream flavor(followed by chocolate and strawberry).

• An ice cream tester for Breyer's Ice Cream actually insured his tongue for $1 million dollars!

• Dolly Madison served strawberry ice cream at the second inaugural ball of her husband, President James Madison, in 1812.

• Sunday is the day of the week when the most ice cream is sold in the United States.

• Did you know that one of the main ingredients in ice cream is ....AIR.(makes it lighter and gives it  smoothness)

• During WW2, the U.S. Navy(1945) built a floating ice cream parlor   for our sailors fighting in the Pacific.

• More ice cream is sold in the WINTER months in Canada than the summer months.

• Strange ice cream flavors? Jalapeno, dill pickle ice cream, garlic ice cream, bacon ice cream,blue cheese and shallots, squid ink and curry carrot ice cream might be flavors to include in this list.

• The world's largest ice cream cone weighted 2204 pounds. It was 13 feet tall. It was made in Gloucester, UK, in 2012.

• The world's largest ice cream sundae was created in Kingston, NY, in 2014. It  was 1606 ft. tall.

• Ever get a brain freeze from eating ice cream?  The top of the mouth has lots of nerves. When cold ice cream comes into contact with these nerves, it causes blood vessels in the brain to dilate, giving the short headache also known as an ice cream headache.

* During World War 2, Mussolini banned ice cream in the country of Italy. He thought it was too American!

• Thomas Jefferson loved ice cream. See his recipe for Vanilla Ice Cream.

Extension Activities:

* Write a haiku poem on ice cream.

* If you had to describe ice cream to an alien from outer space, what would be 3 descriptives you'd use to explain the treat.  Write a paragraph about your encounter sharing ice cream with an alien.

* Draw/color a picture of an ice cream sundae. Exchange your drawing with 3 others and have them write descriptive words to describe what they see. When your drawing is returned, write a paragraph using the comments about your ice cream sundae.

* There is a saying, " A picture is worth a 1000 words. Illustrate/color one of the facts about ice cream which conveys the fact.

Additional Link:

1. Timeline on the history of ice cream.
