Thanks to Education World for use of my Mrs. Waffenschmidt illustration.

Thanks to Education World for use of my Mrs. Waffenschmidt illustration.
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Monday, March 14, 2022

Bird Factoids!



1. Anting is something that cardinals seem to like to do. It involves covering themselves in living or dead ants. Several other birds do this, too, and scientists aren’t sure why.

2. Did you know the goose was the first bird to be domesticated?

3. Did you know that Bassian thrush actually fart to find food? Seems their odorific farts make worms move making them noticeable to the thrush.

4. Because the New Zealand kiwi has hair like feathers, bones with marrow and nostrils on their nose, the kiwi is called an “honorary mammal.

5. What makes the common parakeet unusual is that they are the only birds that scientists have found to have contagious yawns.

6. The most common bird in the world…the chicken. Also interesting, is that scientists say the closest relative of the chicken is Tyrannosaurus Rex.

7. Can you name the only bird that can swim but can’t fly? It’s the penguin. The penguin is also able to walk upright, something no other bird can do!

8. The ostrich is the biggest bird, some as large as 9 ft. Tall! Did you know their brains are smaller than the size of their eyes?

9. Birds can’t sweat and cool their bodies down by inhaling air!.

10. See a creature with feathers? Then, it’s a bird. They are the only creatures that have feathers.

11. Only about 2 inches in length, the bee hummingbird is the world’s smallest bird. Did you know that only hummingbirds can fly backwards?

12. The Wandering Albatross has the biggest wingspan of any bird(up to 11.8 ft.).


13. Did you know that wild turkeys can run up to 25 mph

14. Coalminers often used canaries to detect poisonous levels of carbon monoxide gas. Miners knew that if the canary passed out, they were in danger, too. The phrase “Canary in a Coal mine” derives from this history.

15. Did you know a group of owls is called a parliament?(also a study or wisdom). A group of flamingos is a flamboyance. See a group of ravens? That’s an unkindness, murder or conspiracy. A bunch of chickens is called a peep. A gathering of geese is a gaggle. A bunch of larks is an exaltation.

16. Turkey vultures have an interestingly way to get back at their enemies. As a defense measure, turkey vultures vomit their last meal on them!

17. The bird with the largest tree nest is the bald eagle. The largest found was about 10 ft. Wide and weighed about 4000 pounds.

18. The bird with the most feathers is the Whistling Swan. Someone counted that they have up to 25,000 feathers!

19. Having hollow bones help birds to fly.

20. Peacocks can’t swim like other birds. Between their toes is no webbed skin making swimming possible.

21. Imagine clocking a distance of 40,000 miles in a yearly migration. That’s the claim to fame of the Sooty Shearwater! and

Photographs from Pixabay

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