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Personally, I love to read. Books are a way to visit the Taj Mahal, the pyramids, climb Mt. Everest, travel back through history or rocket into the future, all without living home.
To, me, the public library was an awesome idea. Just think, before a library, you had to purchase anything you wanted to read,limiting assess to those that couldn’t afford to make such a purchase.
I was saddened to read that according to a 2014 study, posted at Buzzfeed.com, one out of five kids asked said that if a friend found them reading a book, they’d be embarrassed! The study also found that of those kids responding, 54% said they prefer to watch television than read a book. How can we turn such poll numbers around?
I grew up on Nancy Drew books, I eagerly awaited the next published adventure of Nancy and her friends. I read biographies on women including Amelia Earhart, Clara Barton, Florence Nightingale, Harriet Tubman, Susan B. Anthony and more. Kids need to see the wonderful world of books. Perhaps, the next time you need to get gifts for your child, niece or nephew, include a book as one of you gifts.
Each child should have a library card. As educators, ask your students if they own a library card and if,not, try and encourage them to get one!
Whether you read traditional books that you can hold in your hand or ebooks, it doesn’t matter, just grab a book and read!
Book Facts:
1. Did you know that the Chinese invented paper around 105 AD?
3. Each year, the main library at Indiana University sinks about one inch from the weight of all the books!
5. A new book by Theodor Seuss Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss, was found in 2013. The books is called What Pet Should I Get? and was published in 2015.
6. Another fun fact about Dr. Seuss was that he was challenged to write a book using only 50 words. The result, Green Eggs and Ham. Here are the 50 words he used: a, am, and, anywhere, are, be, boat, box, car, could, dark, do, eat, eggs, fox, goat, good, green, ham, here, house, I, if, in, let, like, may, me, mouse, not, on, or, rain, Sam, say, see, so, thank, that, the, them, there, they, train, tree, try, will, with, would, you.
7. Did you ever read, Where the Wild Things Are, written by Maurice Sendak? He originally wanted the book to be called Where the Wild Horses Are, but couldn’t draw horses and told his editor, he could draw…things.
8. The author of Frankenstein was Mary Shelley. The monster was NOT Frankenstein, he had no name. Frankenstein was the scientist who created the monster!
10. Someone calculated that Charles Dickens used 4.6 million different words in his writings. Also, a new treat, the lollypop was featured in a couple of Dickens' books!
11. Books helped to build a road! 2.5 million books were shredded and added to the road asphalt for part of the M6 road in England.
12. The world’s first library was built by Ashurbanipal(668-627BC) in Assyria.
13. In 2012, 998 people, in Sydney, Australia, set a record for the most people balancing books on their head!
15. The Epic of Gilgamesh is considered the oldest written story. It comes from the people of Mesopotamia , telling the adventures of the King of Uruk( @2750-2500 BC).
16. The first book printed on the printing press was the Bible, in 1450. It was done on Johann Gutenberg’s press. The Bible is also the largest-selling non-fiction book in the world!
17. A library in Charleston, South Carolina, opened its doors in 1698, making it the first public library in America. http://www.factmonster.com/ipka/A0932506.html
18. As of 2014, the handwritten,The Codex Leicester, by Leonardo da Vinci, which sold for a whopping $49.4 million dollars,in 1994, is still the most expensive book ever sold. The buyer was Bill Gates.
19. According to the Pew Research Center, 1 out of 4 Americans said they didn’t read even ONE book in the past year! http://www.nytimes.com/2014/01/23/opinion/blow-reading-books-is-fundamental.html?_r=0
20. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, by Mark Twain, was the first book written on a typewriter!
Quotes about Reading and Books:
1. “Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.” Richard Steele
2. "To learn to read is to light a fire; every syllable that is spelled out is a spark." Victor Hugo, Les Miserables
3. "There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate's loot on Treasure Island." Walt Disney
4. “ A book is like a garden, carried in the pocket." Chinese Proverb
5. "The things I want to know are in books. My best friend is the man who'll get me a book I [haven't] read." Abraham Lincoln
6. “A house without books is like a room without windows.” Heinrich Mann
7. "The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." Dr. Seuss
8. "Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers." Harry S Truman
Your Turn:
1. Illustrate one of the quotes.
2. Illustrate one of the fun facts about books.
3. Which quote do you like the best and why? Write a paragraph explaining what you think your favorite quote means.
4. Would you be embarrassed if a friend saw you reading a book? Why, why not?
5. What is one of your favorite books? Why do you like it so much?
6. A study by the National Literacy Trust(2019) found that only 26% of those under 18 years of age spent any time reading during a day! Do you read each day? Additional Resources of Interest for World Book Day.
1. World Book Day would also be a great opportunity for kids to learn about Charles Dickens: Have your students learn about Charles Dickens,one of the most famous writers of all times! 8 informative web questions. Additional activities/links,too. It is said Dickens used an amazing 4.6 million different words in his writing!
2. World Book Day-have kids learn about William Shakespeare with this Reader's Theater Script:
3. World Book Day would be a great time to read about one of the most famous fairy tale writers, Hans Christian Andersen. Did you know that Andersen said that the story, The Ugly Duckling, was a story about him? He was bullied as a kid, called "scarecrow" because he was tall and skinny. Once to avoid kids chasing him, a young Andersen climbed a tree(and then got stuck!). His father had to get him down, only making for more taunts! This reader's theater play introduces kids to fairy tale writer,Hans Christian Andersen. Grades 4 and up.Comprehension questions, discussion questions, extension activities and resources are included.
5. An American short story writer and poet, Poe, is remembers for such stories as Murder in the Rue Morgue ,The Tell Tale Heart and The Fall of the House of Usher. Poe’s poem, The Raven, is considered the most famous poem in American history! Edgar Allan Poe is considered to be one of the first science fiction writers and first writer of the modern detective story. Use this Reader's Theater Script to introduce students to this famous American Writer.

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