Kung Hei Fat Choy!“Kung Hei Fat Choy” means Happy New Year in Chinese! 2025 is the Year of the Snake. People born under this Zodiac sign are thought to be mysterious, wise and are determined. They also like learning about different things and different cultures. Snake people can also be a bit stubborn and can find it difficulty to forgive or forget things. Snake people always want to do their very best and like to help others. Snake people are good teachers, athletes, authors and religious leaders. On the Chinese calendar, called Yan Tan, the new year is 4722. Chinese New Year is not always held on the same day each year. It depends on when the second new moon of the winter solstice occurs. In 2024, Chinese New Year starts on January 29th. It is the beginning of a 15 day celebration!
- Give students a handout of the information on Chinese New Year. Have small groups use the information to make 5 comprehension questions to exchange with another group to answer. Regroup as a class and discuss the information presented.
- Check which animal you were born. Draw a picture of your sign and write three character traits you feel you have. Give an example to back up your traits. http://china.mrdonn.org/zodiac.html
- Read a Chinese Folk story:The Foolish Old Man Who moved Mountains. https://www.story.com/ai-stories/ai-adventure-stories/the-foolish-old-man-moves-the-mountain
- Another Folk Story: http://www.pitt.edu/~dash/tikki.html
- Check out my Purple Annie bear’s photographs of our trip to China: http://www.gailhennessey.com/index.shtml?purpleanniestravels.html Write a post card pretending to be visiting the country of China. Include 3 facts learned about China from Purple Annie’s Travel page.
- Dragons and bats are considered good luck. Draw/color a picture of either a dragon or bat. Pretend your dragon or bat could grant you three good things to happen. What would you choose and why?
- Let’s Explore China! Did you know that enough dirt was used to create the Great Wall of China to circle the earth with an 8 ft. high wall? Did you know that ice cream was probably first invented by the Chinese(frozen milk/rice)? Did you know that the yo-yo was invented by the Chinese or that the number 9 and the color red are considered good luck in China? I taught a unit on China for 32 years and would love to share some my notes, activities and resources I used with my students. https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/China-Lets-Explore-China-520479
- Country in Focus: China. A Webquest/ Extension Activities: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Country-in-Focus-China-A-WebquestExtension-Activities-1085517